From the WTF? User Reviews Dept.—Coleman FishPen: "After I bought mine we were taken to court by the IRS..."

I stumbled across a deal on the Coleman FishPen — it's a fish and a pen! No it's not. It's a fishing rod that's the size of a pen — at an online bargain site, and even though I'm not much of a fisherman, for $6.99 it seemed like it might be worth springing for a couple for the kids. Scanning through the user reviews on the page revealed your typical set of grammatically challenged, excessively hyperbolic reviews that seem to have been written by Borat — like:
[Five Stars]
I would recommend this to anyone that has been on a trip and could not take their full tackle with them. It full-fills the need for "I wish I had a fishing pole with me"
[Five Stars]
This is a fun little item to have ready if the urge to fish overwhelms you
[Five Stars]
This is a beautiful gift. You must have it for fun.
[One Star]
Buying Coleman Fishpen was cheating.Thought it was good, but nothing was working . I wasted my money for this. Even not able to return my item, because , for new piece again i have to bare shipping which is the cost of new Coleman FishPen. So i kept my Coleman FishPen in trash . i haven't used not even one day.
[One Star]
The absolute worst $8.99 I have ever spent in my life. If I was coleman I would be ashamed to print my logo on a garbage product like this wanna be fishing pole. I am usually loyal to coleman on everything from tents to aluminum water bottles, but I will never purchase another item that coleman endorces. Besides the reel being junk and not functioning right the rod snapped in half the first cast due to a little resistance from grass on my lawn(I just cut my grass 2 days ago). Whatever you do, DO NOT buy this product unless you like giving your money away. Coleman, stick to camping not fishing.
[NOTE: Why are you trying to catch fish on your lawn?]
[Five Stars]
Heck of a lot of fun. I use it in the house to play with the cat
[NOTE: When cat fishing, anything under 12" from nose to tip of tail is undersized and should be thrown back]
Then I came across this:
[Five Stars]
This was awesome. We took it to the lake and caught two 15 lb bass using spinner bait. My wife said she is going to order one after we get the house sold because after I bought mine we were taken to court by the IRS because we havent paid our taxes. So were probably selling the boat and will have some extra mone freed up to get us another coleman FishPen. Wish we could have been on the lake more often, than we would never had seen that letter in the mail about having our house taken from us. Which is fine because uncle Bill might let us have the spare bed room. Did I just write all this? Im sorry, this pole was fantastic and I would let walmart have a shot at selling these puppies. I worked for Walmart in the 80's when real men were allowed to strut their stuff. Now im just working as a plummmer back home. Work will pick up as will this pen if i could get me some bait to head to the lake with. I love this pen.
Seriously, that's got to be a trollpost, right? Still, nicely played, Mr. Faux Coleman FishPen Tax Resister Troll...nicely played.
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